Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Review: A Country for Men by RKSJ

Rape is a heinous crime and has taken quite a lot of toll in our country. No part of our country can be termed as safe when the height of atrocities cross all the borders. Author RKSJ in his non fiction book "A Country for Men" tries to highlight and give his perspective on this heinous crime? So can the book be a difference maker? Let's find out. 

This book tells the ugly truth about India. A girl born in India is considered to be a liability right from her birth, she has to suffer at difference stages of her life from the very people who are supposed to love her, cherish her.
The increasing number of incidents of rapes and other dreadful acts against women had made things worse for them. now they aren't safe even inside their homes. 
The book is the historical, geographical and social view of the hate culture that the women are forced upon. 

First look at the title and the cover and it drips of man's dominance on the world. The image is a standoff between heights of barbarism and resilience. The blurb talks about girls and women and their safety which has become a point to ponder in the country. There's not much to hide or conceal but there should have been few questions raised on the issue. 

It's a non fiction book where a lot of data and research has been done and multiple incidents of rape and their after effects and the justice surrounding it has been highlighted by the author. There are also reactions from people of different walks of life. 

The data and research has been done well. The flurry of events and their in depth information has been covered with accuracy. It is informative for those who are news deprived sometimes. 

The downside of the book is there is no author's perspective at all. Everything is a collected source of information but most of these things are there in newspapers and magazines. More in depth analysis was required in order to leave a strong message for the readers. 

All in all the data and information might jolt you but the lack of ideas from the author won't do any good to the book. More detailed descriptive was required to leave an impact on the mind of the readers. It could have been put up in a better manner. 


2 OUT OF 5

P.S: The book was received as part of the "Reviewers Programme" on "The Tales Pensieve". 

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